Lime mortar repointing in Co Durham & Nth Yorkshire
Picture below is of a fully restored and repointed terraced town house. All of the yellow brickwork has been cleaned, restored and repointed using a flexible and porous lime mortar. The red brickwork has been colour-washed with a traditional English pigment made from rabbit skin glue and allum.
The photo below is of internal second floor town house brickwork where a rustic coarse grain sand has been used.
Harewood Terrace, Darlington. Lime mortar repairs to front and rear of property. These period properties were originally built with lime mortar which was slaked on-site. Therefore, when carrying out repointing, it's far better for the property if an original quicklime mortar is used - one which is slaked in situ in exactly the same way it was done historically.
The photo below is an example of what brickwork can look like if it was once rendered, pebble-dashed or painted.
Cill repairs, colour washing and lime mortar repointing.